Medical Misadventures

Primary category medical humor

Medical Misadventures was uploaded to Amazon on 13 November 2019. Great news. Today the Amazon Best Sellers list rates it as:
#3 best seller in Essays (books), and
#21 best seller in Medical Humor, and
#170 best seller in Humorous Essays.
What does this mean in numbers? I won’t know for another month or two but will keep you posted when I receive the quarterly report.

Thanks to all of you for your support, encouragement and comments. But, if you still feel inclined to exercise your literary skills then please write a customer review on Amazon. Be aware that Amazon is somewhat strict about customer reviews, they have their own interests to protect. You must have an Amazon account with a minimal level of activity. If you never buy through Amazon they will reject your submission.

Go to my book page on Amazon and scroll down to the reviews section:

I appreciate your interest and will keep you posted.

Arnold Tweed