Medical Misadventures

Primary category medical humor

Medical Misadventures was uploaded to Amazon on 13 November 2019. Great news. Today the Amazon Best Sellers list rates it as:
#3 best seller in Essays (books), and
#21 best seller in Medical Humor, and
#170 best seller in Humorous Essays.
What does this mean in numbers? I won’t know for another month or two but will keep you posted when I receive the quarterly report.

Thanks to all of you for your support, encouragement and comments. But, if you still feel inclined to exercise your literary skills then please write a customer review on Amazon. Be aware that Amazon is somewhat strict about customer reviews, they have their own interests to protect. You must have an Amazon account with a minimal level of activity. If you never buy through Amazon they will reject your submission.

Go to my book page on Amazon and scroll down to the reviews section:

I appreciate your interest and will keep you posted.

Arnold Tweed

Medical Misadventures

Dear Friends,

Make This Your New Year’s Resolution

Medical Misadventures is now on Amazon, both paperback and Kindle. Follow this link to purchase and enjoy :

If you like the book please consider leaving a customer’s review on Amazon.
Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

Arnold Tweed

Medical Misadventures is Here


Breaking news! Medical Misadventures has graduated from after dinner stories to a blog and now to a book, and will be presented to the public Wednesday, 30 October 2019. Come to the Atrium of the Brodi Centre, 727 McDermot Ave, in Winnipeg between 1 – 5 PM. Meet the author and buy a copy. All profits from book sales that day will go to the Class of 1964 Legacy Fund of the University of Manitoba.

I understand that most of you live too far away to attend this event, but I wanted to let you know that Medical Misadventures is in print. The promotional flyer with the book cover, by Dean, is attached as a pdf file. Please click on the link below (Tweed-promo flyer – D1).

Medical Misadventures will soon be available (by the end of this month I hope) on Amazon for Kindle. I will let you know when it has been uploaded.

On you will go to “books” and search by either title (Medical Misadventures: What I Didn’t Learn in Medical School) or author (Arnold Tweed, MD). Print copies will be available on Amazon and through McNally Robinson book stores.


Tweed – promo flyer – D1